When I got married in March of 2012 I had no idea that our next chapter of starting a family would be our first obstacle to overcome together. As an African American woman, I have since found it common that we do not make it a priority within our culture to consider pre-family planning education. I had regular gynecological check-ups, but had no idea of even where to start with trying to conceive. I immediately stopped birth control and we started trying. This is when I learned about ovulation, the many phases of our menstrual cycle and other very interesting things that our amazing body is capable of. As I started to track my cycles I found the Trying To Conceive (TTC) community on Youtube. I watched and listened and finally something began to happen. About 2 months into TTC, I got a positive pregnancy test on a cheap dollar tree test. By this time, I had tracked ovulation with test strips and knew when I should have been expected my period....